Select For Update Spring Jdbctemplate

Spring JdbcTemplate: Performing insert, update, delete, select operations February 15, 2016 0 This article explains JdbcTemplate in Spring and using it to perform CRUD operations.

In this tutorials I am going to show you how to work with Spring Boot JdbcTemplate using MySql Database.

Spring Boot JdbcTemplate :

  1. That's all for this topic Spring NamedParameterJdbcTemplate Select Query Example. If you have any doubt or any suggestions to make please drop a comment. Return to Spring Tutorial Page. Select Query Using JDBCTemplate in Spring Framework; Insert Update Using JDBCTemplate in Spring Framework.
  2. Spring JdbcTemplate Insert, Update And Delete Example,Create a new JdbcTemplate object, with the given datasource to obtain connections from. Use the update(String sql, Object args, int argTypes) API method of JdbcTemplate, to issue the SQL update operation via a.
  3. In this tutorials I am going to show you how to work with Spring Boot JdbcTemplate using MySql Database.Here discussed All CRUD operation on SpringBoot's JDBCTemplate with mysql database with java8. As part of this tutorials, I am going to implement a complete CRUD operations using Spring Boot JdbcTemp.

Technologies :

  • Spring Boot-1.5.10
  • Spring-Boot-Starter-jdbc
  • Java 8
  • MySql 5.5

Project Structure :

Spring Boot JdbcTemplate Example :

As part of this tutorials, I am going to implement a complete CRUD operations using Spring Boot JdbcTemplate.

Recommended :Spring JDBCTemplate Example


Defining all necessary data source, authentication credentials.

Database Preparation :

Create your mysql database (otp) and create below item table under otp database.

item Table

Created an item table, which represents all items and I am going to do all CRUD operations on this table.


Create Item Model to represent the above table.

Creating Item Repository :

This is the key class of our example, under which all CRUD operations are happening.

Create RestController to provide an endpoint to access from outside.

Run it !

Access the Application :

Getting All Items :


Add an Item :


Getting All Items After adding :


Delete an Item from the list :

References :

Happy Learning šŸ™‚

Download Example

  • SpringBoot JDBCTemplate MySQL
    File size: 88 KBDownloads: 1296

Related Posts

Iā€™m trying to find the faster way to do batch insert.

I tried to insert several batches with jdbcTemplate.update(String sql), where
sql was builded by StringBuilder and looks like:

Batch size was exactly 1000. I inserted nearly 100 batches.
I checked the time using StopWatch and found out insert time:

I was glad but I wanted to make my code better.

After that, I tried to use jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate in way like:

where sql was look like

and I was disappointed! jdbcTemplate executed every single insert of 1000 lines batch in separated way. I loked at mysql_log and found there a thousand inserts.
I checked the time using StopWatch and found out insert time:

min[900ms], avg[1100ms], max[2000ms] per Batch

So, can anybody explain to me, why jdbcTemplate doing separated inserts in this method? Why methodā€™s name is batchUpdate?
Or may be I am using this method in wrong way?


These parameters in the JDBC connection URL can make a big difference in the speed of batched statements ā€” in my experience, they speed things up:


See: JDBC batch insert performance


I have also faced the same issue with Spring JDBC template. Probably with Spring Batch the statement was executed and committed on every insert or on chunks, that slowed things down.

I have replaced the jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate() code with original JDBC batch insertion code and found the Major performance improvement.

Check this link as well
JDBC batch insert performance


Change your sql insert to INSERT INTO TABLE(x, y, i) VALUES(1,2,3). The framework creates a loop for you.
For example:

IF you have something like this. Spring will do something like:

The framework first creates PreparedStatement from the query (the sql variable) then the setValues method is called and the statement is executed. that is repeated as much times as you specify in the getBatchSize() method. So the right way to write the insert statement is with only one values clause.
You can take a look at


Simply use transaction. Add @Transactional on method.

Be sure to declare the correct TX manager if using several datasources @Transactional(ā€œdsTxManagerā€). I have a case where inserting 60000 records. It takes about 15s. No other tweak:


I donā€™t know if this will work for you, but hereā€™s a Spring-free way that I ended up using. It was significantly faster than the various Spring methods I tried. I even tried using the JDBC template batch update method the other answer describes, but even that was slower than I wanted. Iā€™m not sure what the deal was and the Internets didnā€™t have many answers either. I suspected it had to do with how commits were being handled.

This approach is just straight JDBC using the java.sql packages and PreparedStatementā€™s batch interface. This was the fastest way that I could get 24M records into a MySQL DB.

I more or less just built up collections of ā€œrecordā€ objects and then called the below code in a method that batch inserted all the records. The loop that built the collections was responsible for managing the batch size.

I was trying to insert 24M records into a MySQL DB and it was going ~200 records per second using Spring batch. When I switched to this method, it went up to ~2500 records per second. so my 24M record load went from a theoretical 1.5 days to about 2.5 hours.

Select for update nowait

First create a connectionā€¦

Then create a prepared statement and load it with batches of values for insert, and then execute as a single batch insertā€¦

Obviously Iā€™ve removed error handling and the query and Record object is notional and whatnot.

Since your original question was comparing the insert into foobar values (?,?,?), (?,?,?)ā€¦(?,?,?) method to Spring batch, hereā€™s a more direct response to that:

It looks like your original method is likely the fastest way to do bulk data loads into MySQL without using something like the ā€œLOAD DATA INFILEā€ approach. A quote from the MysQL docs (

If you are inserting many rows from the same client at the same time,
use INSERT statements with multiple VALUES lists to insert several
rows at a time. This is considerably faster (many times faster in some
cases) than using separate single-row INSERT statements.

You could modify the Spring JDBC Template batchUpdate method to do an insert with multiple VALUES specified per ā€˜setValuesā€™ call, but youā€™d have to manually keep track of the index values as you iterate over the set of things being inserted. And youā€™d run into a nasty edge case at the end when the total number of things being inserted isnā€™t a multiple of the number of VALUES lists you have in your prepared statement.

If you use the approach I outline, you could do the same thing (use a prepared statement with multiple VALUES lists) and then when you get to that edge case at the end, itā€™s a little easier to deal with because you can build and execute one last statement with exactly the right number of VALUES lists. Itā€™s a bit hacky, but most optimized things are.


I found a major improvement setting the argTypes array in the call.

In my case, with Spring 4.1.4 and Oracle 12c, for insertion of 5000 rows with 35 fields:

The argTypes param is an int array where you set each field in this way:

I debugged and found that most of the time was consumed trying to know the nature of each field, and this was made for each record.

Spring Jdbc Jdbctemplate

Hope this helps !

Spring Jdbctemplate Query

Tags: date, spring