Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula


Nov 25th, 2015

Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula Pdf

Rpg maker mv resources

The formula I'm using is: float realDamage = SkillDmg. BaseDamage / (BaseDamage + Defense) The results are good, the damage gets bigger if the defense gets lower and it doesn't exponentially go up because of the division between (BaseDamage + Defense). Lets say I have a sword with 1.0 attack speed that deals 50 damage. Doing this can cause party members or enemies to deal close to no damage or no damage. There is a better attack formula for this. Attack. (100/ (100+defense)). Jun 13, 2020 Version 1.02: - Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0. Damage Formula notetag now supports comments. Version 1.01: - Fixed a bug with Damage Formula not recording custom formulas correctly. Version 1.00: - Finished plugin!

Rpg Maker Mv Damage Formula

If you want to use a damage formula, the damage formula can be as simple as (ATK - DEF) +/- 20% as it's done in World's End (an RPG strategy game). This will mean that attacks against an opponent with strong DEF could do no damage at all. RPG Maker Damage Calculator Version: Incomplete. Welcome to a RPG Maker calculator! The following is a calculator for determining how much damage a certain Item or Skill will do when used on a target with specified stats by a user with specified stats. It also calculates how m.

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  1. //
  2. //
  3. /*:
  4. * @plugindesc Allows one or more states to automatically revive a dead player.
  5. *
  6. * @desc If set, determines how much HP is granted upon the character's revival.
  7. * Otherwise, defaults to 20% of the character's MHP.
  8. *
  9. * @desc The animation which is used when a character is auto-revived.
  10. *
  11. * @help The formula is evaluated the same way the Damage formula is. The parameter 'a'
  12. * represents the Actor. When the character dies, if s/he has an Auto-Life
  13. * state active. The formula's result becomes the character's HP.
  14. * All states and buffs are lost, since the character technically did die.
  15. *
  16. *
  17. *
  18. * <autolife>
  19. *
  20. * Defines this State as an auto-life state, using the specified formula to calculate
  21. *
  22. * Defines this state as an auto-life state and uses the specified animation ID
  23. *
  24. * If the auto-life state is used, all of the states in the comma-separated list are
  25. * added. Allows a character to get stronger after death, or be weaker when revived.
  26. (function(){
  27. WS_AutoLife ={};
  28. WS_AutoLife.Parameters= PluginManager.parameters('AutoLife');
  29. //
  30. //
  31. WS_AutoLife.Param.formula= WS_AutoLife.Parameters['Default Revive Formula'];
  32. WS_AutoLife.Param.animationID= parseInt(WS_AutoLife.Parameters['Revive Animation ID']);
  33. //
  34. //
  35. }
  36. //
  37. // Returns a state ID for the first auto-life found in the battler
  38. //
  39. Auto_Life.prototype.getAutoLifeState=function(battler){
  40. for(lifeIndex=0; lifeIndex<state_list.length; lifeIndex++){
  41. meta=current_state.meta;
  42. {
  43. }
  44. if(meta.autolife|| meta.autolife_formula|| meta.autolife_animation){
  45. }
  46. returnnull;
  47. //
  48. // Applies the given auto-life state to a battler. This:
  49. // 2. Removes all auto-life states
  50. // 3. Sets the HP to the result of the auto-life formula
  51. // This call assumes the battler's HP is set to 0.
  52. //
  53. Auto_Life.prototype.applyAutoLife=function(battler, state_obj){
  54. if(!meta ||(!meta.autolife
  55. &&!meta.autolife_formula&&!meta.autolife_animation)){
  56. }
  57. battler.clearBuffs();
  58. autolife_function=WS_AutoLife.Param.formula;
  59. if(meta.autolife_formula&& meta.autolife_formula!=')
  60. try
  61. var a=battler;
  62. }
  63. }
  64. hp_to_add=1;
  65. animation_id=WS_AutoLife.Param.animationID;
  66. animation_id=parseInt(state_obj.meta.autolife_animation);
  67. battler.startAnimation(animation_id,false,120);
  68. battler._hp=hp_to_add;
  69. state_list=state_obj.meta.autolife_add_states.split(',');
  70. for(state_index=0; state_index<state_list.length; state_index++){
  71. battler.addState(parseInt(state_list[state_index]));
  72. }
  73. //
  74. //
  75. //
  76. // See if the damage would make the battler Dead. If so,
  77. //
  78. this._autoLife=new Auto_Life();
  79. /* Auto life state will trigger here if there is one */
  80. if(state_id !null){
  81. return;
  82. WS_AL_GB_die.call(this, arguments);
  83. })();
  84. //
  85. //

Rpg Maker Mv Free