Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files List


  1. Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files List Windows 10
  2. Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files Listing
  3. Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files List Folder
< Releases


  • the Linux and Mac packages can be installed in parallel to LibreOffice 4.3, but not run simultaneously - documents will be opened in the version you've started first.
  • the Windows package will update a previously installed version of LibreOffice
  • LibreOffice for Mac OS X needs to be run at least once before installing a LanguagePack tdf#89704
  • LangaugePacks for Mac OS X are unsigned and need to be run via 'Open' from the contextmenu while pressing down the 'Option' key tdf#89561

I recently installed Source Sans Pro and Fira Sans on my Mac (OS X 10.10 Yosemite). Source Sans Pro has 12 weights (Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic, Light, Extra Light, etc.) and Fira Sans has 32 (absolutely awesome for a Free font.) In all apps except LibreOffice, they both behave wonderfully. In LibreOffice, only 10 weights of Source Sans Pro display in the Character selection dialogue.

  1. The recent files list in VLC is designed to provide convenient shortcuts to the playlists or audio files you recently listened to or to the videos you received viewed. But if you want to prevent VLC from adding files to the Open Recent menu item, you can. Most of the instructions I came across were for Windows or were old.
  2. User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10115) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/51.0.2704.103 Safari/537.36 Build Identifier: LibreOffice 5.0-34 When I Clear List under Recent Documents it clears that list but not the list that can be obtained.

New Features

An in-progress list of features for this version is available here.

Reported Bugs

A list of annoying bugs still contained in this version is available from Bugzilla, the full list of reported bugs is here.

Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files List Windows 10

List of fixed bugs

Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files Listing

Bugs fixed compared to the 4.4.7 rc1:

  1. tdf#76239 OpenSymbol font is not retained after an upgrade (work around in comment 16, 32, .. install log in comment 50 ) [Andras Timar]
  2. tdf#77881 FILESAVE: Bullets are lost when saving in OOxml (.pptx or .ppsx) [Mark Hung]
  3. tdf#80520 FILESAVE: Format of bullets destroyed when saving as .pptx [Mark Hung]
  4. tdf#89525 Impress does not export slides bullets to PPTX correctly [Mark Hung]
  5. tdf#95670 CALCULATING: ForceArray parameters not properly propagated, e.g. for functions expecting scalar values but passed a range reference inside SUMPRODUCT [Eike Rathke]
  6. tdf#95916 Alizarin master page formats date in Japanese [Laurent Balland-Poirier]

Libreoffice For Mac Os Recent Files List Folder

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