I faced error code 1618 which practically means that another Windows Installer (msiexec.exe) instance is already running in the background.
The error code ‘1618’ is quite a common error in Windows which is prompted from Microsoft Installer (.msi) stating that another.msi is currently being processed. Users encounter this installation error when they are installing Java on their computers. When you attempt to run Windows Installer, or a program dependent on it, you may have experienced the 1618 error. This error means that you have more than one instance of Windows Installer running and so the process cannot continue. Once you find that option, make a right-click on that and hit on the End task option. Now head back to the Java software installer and then begin the installation once more to see if the error is resolved. If the Java 1618 Error Code still appearing while installation of.
Now I decided to write some exceptions lines to save the same CPU resources and not waste unnecessary executions.Error Code 1618
Java Error Code 1618 Hatası
To skip java installation if the windows installer process is already doing some other things, I use:For particular java version, I grow the program with some detection rule:{26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F32180131F0}
Error 1618 When Installing Java
stands for JRE version 8u131And now the full code: